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9-11th Grade
Enhancement of Personal Growth
학생 개개인의 특성을 근거로
Find out what colleges will like about you and what areas to improve in order to optimize your chance of acceptance.
Strategic Planning
학년별 주요전략을 세워
Get on track with your college application- it is important to know in advance what you will need to do and when.
Experience Consultation
학교성적및 학생에 적합한 Extracurricular Activity 와 Academic Activity 혹은 Research를 통해 개인의 역량을 높인다
Enrich your application with non-traditional experiences to be a more competitive applicant.
12th Grade
Test Assessment
또한, 최상의 SAT/ACT 성적을 획득하기위한 전략구상과
Is your SAT score or GPA at an appropriate level for your dream colleges? What do you do if your test score or GPA is not high enough? Let us help you.
College Selection Consultation
그에 맞는 대학선별을 위한 치밀한 전략을 세움과 동시에
Students waste time and money applying to the wrong colleges; let us help you to find the right
schools for you.
Essay / Personal Statement Consultation
지원과정에서 가장 중요한 요소인 <에세이 작성> 단계를 밟습니다.
The personal statement for your college application may be the most important writing in your life.
Our team will help you develop a strong personal statement that accurately expresses who you are.
College Application Review
학생 및 학부모님과 함께 최종단계인 원서작성 review는 물론,
The most common delay in admissions is due to an unexpected mistake on your application; our team
will help prevent costly delays.
Practice Interview
원서 제출 후 개개인에 적합한 인터뷰를 위한 여러차례의 시뮬레이션을 시행합니다.
What do colleges want to hear from you? How do you answer the toughest questions – ethics,
motivation and more? Our team will help you fine tune what you say and how you say it.
Let’s Work Together
Contact us to schedule an appointment!
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